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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS WG Consensus Indicators - Request for Action

  • To: Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS WG Consensus Indicators - Request for Action
  • From: Elaine Pruis <elaine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2011 18:48:47 -0700


Would you rephrase this please, I don't know what exactly you are asking:

"The question then is whether this group would wish to encourage multiple 
needs-accessed applications from a single applicant and that they be processed 
as 'conjoint' applications?  "

What is" needs -accessed?"

How do you mean "processed"?  Processed by the needs evaluators? Processed by 
ICANN (where there is no system in place to process multiple scripts from 
regular applicants)?



On Jul 17, 2011, at 11:41 AM, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The question then is whether this group would wish to encourage multiple 
> needs-accessed applications from a single applicant and that they be 
> processed as 'conjoint' applications? 

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