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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Discussion of Financial criteria and how to set them

  • To: JAS <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Discussion of Financial criteria and how to set them
  • From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:13:33 -0400

Sorry for not getting this out earlier, but it was a stretch to get it done now.

I have added these comments to https://community.icann.org/display/jaswg/Subgroup+1+Qualifications+%28was+A+B%29. That page already has a lot of the specific things that we want incorporated into the criteria and I have not had the time to try to merge all of them into the new test. But that can be done once there is general agreements.



Discussion of the criteria by which an applicant will be judged worthy of support.

Members of the JAS WG did not have the skills or experience to specifically define criteria. ICANN does not likely have the skills in-house either, but presumably there are organizations that do. The skills do reside in a number of international donors, and in development cooperation groups of many of the governments that participate in the GAC.

 It was agreed that there are a number of goals to be met by the criteria.

- Financial need is a key. Other missing resources can be outsourced if money is not a limitation.

- Criteria should be as objective as possible, but it is clear that ultimately judgment calls will need to be made, and the criteria should reflect that.

- The WG explored a variety of specific criteria such as net worth of the applicant, net annual profit and annual revenues [add any more here that we have looked at], but found all lacking in that they could be relatively easily gamed or would eliminate certain applicants who should otherwise be supportable.

- The intent of this support is to provide initial support for an otherwise viable application. [Note: this does not mean that we should ignore lowering the operational costs, but that should be in a separate section.]

 - Support should not exceed XX% of the fees due from ineligible applicants.

- The actual judging of financial need and deciding whether an applicant meets the established criteria to be supported should be outsourced to those who make similar judgment calls with respect to developing economy requests (is "developing economy" the term we are using??) on a regular basis. This will also serve to distance ICANN from the actual decision and the politically dangerous ground.

 For discussion:

- We do not want gaming, but we also do not want to miss really deserving applicants. We need to decide which of these is the more important goal, since any set of criteria will likely tend to allow either false positives or false negatives.

- Similarly, there will be many profiles of prospective applicants. If we want the overall criteria to fit all of them, it may become far too unwieldy and impractical. Are we willing to sacrifice some classes of applicant to allow a more manageable process.

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