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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] New gTLD Applicant Support

  • To: "'JAS'" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] New gTLD Applicant Support
  • From: <tijani.benjemaa@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 13:29:33 +0100

Dear all,


Following our last call (yesterday),  I would like to highlight the following 


·         It seems that there is now a broad agreement on the fact that the 
financial need eligibility will happen when objective criteria (to be defined) 
are met and subjective evaluation including specific inquiry for each applicant 
is satisfied.

·         As for the objective criteria, some think that since we don’t have 
the necessary expertise, it’s to ICANN to find how to define them. But defining 
those criteria is our duty according to the charter, and to the specific 
request from the Board after we issued the first milestone report. It’s to the 
WG to find who can help. We can ask ICANN to help us with those who can provide 
assistance, especially if they need to be paid.

·         As per Cintra concern, if an applicant is not financially in need, 
he/she can pay for every missing competence / expertise. Everything can be 
bought. So any need other than financial one can be paid for.

·         Time is being very short (10 calls only till 1st September). I 
propose that we start putting the final report structure and fill it in by the 
agreed texts. We can for example use the first milestone report that seems to 
me to be a good format, update it with the new things from the second milestone 
report, and include the now texts produced by Avri and Elaine, and make the 
necessary modification according to the discussion taking place now about the 
Financial criteria and any other point raised. I think it will be faster and 
more efficient to work on a text for final adoption (consensus) than discussing 
separate texts.  




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