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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from JAS WG Meeting August 5

  • To: "soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from JAS WG Meeting August 5
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 21:11:44 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 9:07 PM
To: Karla Valente
Subject: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD 
Applicant Support

  Karla Valente:Welcome to the JAS WG August 5 Meeting. Please see agenda on 
the left. 
  CLO:Hi there
  CLO:what is happening to dial outs ?
  Gisella Gruber-White:hi CHeryl - on their way!
  Karla Valente:we are checking
  Carlton Samuels:Hello everybody
  baudouin schombe:HELLO everyone
  Alan Greenberg:Hello. I'm on now.
  CLO:Gisella  can you oporatoer unmute me please  I could not do a manual 
unmute before shifting to my headset
  CLO:Hi all
  Gisella Gruber-White:Cheryl - you have been unmuted
  CLO:thanks  No Idea  why I failed why I could not manage it from here though
  CLO:  BTW   I thought  Evan was an apology lodged  did I hear that listed....
  Karla Valente:i  do not have any pending requests to enter adobe at this 
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Cheryl - thanks, have made note of Evans apology
  CLO:Like I said  even in "just  australia"  there is a possible  42 classes  
of trade mark  for identical name  we need better deffinition of that part  and 
 a prioritisation  of  other than  TM  "preferenced  criteria  which is  what  
I think / believe  eric is raising
  Karla Valente:just sent an e-mail to mailing list to the people trying to 
enter Adobe asking them to retry. I still do not ahve any pending request.
  CLO:yes  we read  a lot of D Adams down in the antipodeas
  Eric Brunner-Williams:the final ipc comment is that recommendation 20 should 
be construed as intending to provide support for objectors, rather than 
  avri:if someone has a trademark and claims it is relevant, they should be 
treated with great suspision.  this is not about property but about community 
and langauge and disadvantaged applicants - not  alleged IP owners!
  Alan Greenberg:What I said was that the IPC comment triggered a thought, not 
that I supported the exact rec. they made.
  Elaine Pruis:maybe it's blackhat practicing
  CLO:indeed  @Alex  if I happpen to have say a chicken stock  TM  brand  that 
happens to be cultural name it should NOT  bump  above (or be prioritised) 
above an applicant  that meets  our estabkished criteria
  CLO:from ou WG 
  Alex Gakuru:@CLO Agreed..
  Alan Greenberg:We all did survive before adobe...
  Eric Brunner-Williams:i'm trying to imagine a minorty population somewhere 
with a trademark for european-chicken ... or brit-birds ... or english-fowl ... 
or ...
  Wendy Profit:page 12 I think
  avri:The document was also included as pdf in the agenda email
  CLO:Eric   there IS  actually such a tm for  a vegitarian  stock powder  as 
long as you do not spell   Maasai  with only one a  as an alternate spelling  ( 
which I think IS an issue  for e.g._
  CLO:i.e. Masai
  Elaine Pruis:page 12
  Eric Brunner-Williams:the public administration has objector status, and were 
the public admistration to make an application which, with some other (one "a") 
application formed a contention set, then under either the 14/16 community 
preference, if applicable, or under the protection of regional identifiers, for 
which a public administration exists, recently advised by the GAC, the interest 
of the public administration would be met.
  Seth Greene:Please try the link in the new Web Links pod, which allows live 
links.  Thank you.
  Elaine Pruis:if you are asking for consensus reading shouldn't be considered 
as a burden. Is this a consensus call?
  Alex Gakuru:Carlton, reading would help those not on Adobe? txs
  Karla Valente:We will add the document to adobe for the next meeting. The 
text is on the notes. 
  Alan Greenberg:Just to be clear, Switzerland is NOT on the landlocked 
developing countries list. Not that I disagree with the intent of Eric's 
  Carlton Samuels:@Alex: Yessir, this is why we send it on email BEFORE now 
  Eric Brunner-Williams:singapore is on one of those lists, as is the caymen 
  Alan Greenberg:All Iwas disagreeing with was your comment on Switzerland
  Eric Brunner-Williams:my mistake, glad you caught it
  Eric Brunner-Williams:after all, i reviewed these lists as tools before the 
singapore meeting ... 
  Alan Greenberg:List 199 and 432 are by their titles, not developed. 722 is 
purely a geographic assertion. Most ARE developing, but not all.
  Alan Greenberg:One would think that Singapore would ask to be removed...
  CLO:Agree with Avri
  Elaine Pruis:if you are the one cooking your breakfast please mute
  CLO:Midnight  here Elaine  it ain't me at the microwave
  Alex Gakuru:TRUE Avri, a few private interests gamed global resources. We 
acknowledge difficulties now face many across the world.   
  Karla Valente:Financial need is on the notes pod above
  avri:i finished my yogurt and peaches at the beginnign of the call - not me.
  Wendy Profit:Page 15 in the document
  Carlton Samuels:@AVri on structure of financial need content: +1
  CLO:Happy to gree WITH  @Avri's  proposed  edits  on this  text  under this 
  Eric Brunner-Williams:@avri: "must be capable of contributing "
  CLO:Good point  Elaine  that way we help the applicant  aork the words for 
the NEXT  phase of the procress IF they are  'Supported"
  Alan Greenberg:"Applicants will be required to contribute $45k. Must 
demonstrate that significantly more would be outside of their capabilities."
  Eric Brunner-Williams:@clo: you want to refer to the gac+alac language?
  Wendy Profit:Page 16 on the document
  Eric Brunner-Williams:@alan: the point we were addressing when the 45k 
language was proposed was the minimum ability of the applicant
  Elaine Pruis:"will be required at a minimum $45K
  CLO:I see some benefit  in that Eric  actually 
  Eric Brunner-Williams:there are other costs the applicant has, the fee is 
only one, 
  avri:will be required at a minimum to pay xxx, but are also able to show an 
inability to pay the entire ...
  Alan Greenberg:@eric. I understand that there are other things that need to 
be supported. But in my mind, our wording should allow someone who can afford a 
larger percentage of overall costs to still benefit.
  Eric Brunner-Williams:agree. the 45k language was to address the minimum 
(survivable) criteria for applicants, not the maximum to be eligible for support
  CLO:Yes  Eric
  Alan Greenberg:Thanks all
  Alex Gakuru:bye
  CLO:Thanks  All    Getting there  :-)
  Carlton Samuels:Thank you all!
  Carlton Samuels:I feel we're making some progress here

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