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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS Adobe Connect chat transcript

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS Adobe Connect chat transcript
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 07:11:26 -0700

Carlton Samuels: Hi Everyone

Alex Gakuru: yes on mute

Alex Gakuru: Carlton: I'll manage to participate onlt for first half hour, 

Carlton Samuels: Hi Alex...Notred...

Alex Gakuru: Hi, thanks Carlton. 

Alan Greenberg: Sorry to be late. On now.

CLO: Hi Alan  just getting started

Alex Gakuru: she'd sent apologies, i think.

Glen de Saint Gery: thanks Alex, I will note Elaine's apologies

Seth Greene: Cheryl, would you mind speaking up a bit.? There's interference.

Eric Brunner-Williams: the scope of "non-financial support" is not identical to 
the scope of resources provided by contracted parties and "gtld consultants". i 
don't think it is helpful to change the name of the work area and repurpose 
in-kind to areas outside of the working scope of the in-kind subgroup.

Eric Brunner-Williams: as a provider of non-financial resources, any staff time 
or any regulatory relief, icann itself is not a vendor or a "gtld consultant" 
or a third party.

CLO: Seth I think the interference was noise in from someone  elses line

Eric Brunner-Williams: who proposed this change, where is the rational for the 
change of purpose, and when was it tested for consensus, as it is a substantive 
change in the conceptualization of support, and as a matter of internal 
housekeeping, if the elaine-lead group only (and reasonably) focused on 
"in-kind" forms, then things elaine's group (or elaine individually) considered 
out of scope -- not "in kind", are ignored.

CLO: yes Alan  I was proposing a first time use of the term explanation   (for 
the record  that  like Eric  I  also do not "know"  wjen this nomenclature 
change was ratified  OR agreed to such a change

CLO: as a Consensus  call and a LIST  was  sent   

CLO: hardle  a majority rule

CLO: OR  consensus

Alan Greenberg: I tend to support the concept that we should use terms in their 
most common meaning instead of redefining well-used terms (I have scars in 
relation to this). However, in this case we cannot afford the time to 
re-discuss the issue, so let's define and then make sure we address all forms 
of help SOMEWHERE.

CLO: and also FOR the record MY preference  is or would  be for the use of 
In-Kind Support IF  I had responded to any form of "consensus call on just that 
term alone  but  YES agree with @Alan

Wendy Profit: I'm having trouble hearing CLO

Eric Brunner-Williams: the process problem is that a text, with unknown 
authors, originated from the co-chair, is is "the consensus text", unless each 
element of this unauthored text is specifically objected to. so "consensus" 
means objection, to substitute terms used by the working group when it tasked 
and formed subgroups. this is an unusual use of "consensus".

CLO: Sorry Wendy  I'mNOT using the headset woth the excellent mic  that I used 
on the last call (for obvious reasons)

CLO:  better technology does mean more pick up ;-)

Wendy Profit: :)

Eric Brunner-Williams: @clo, yes, but is hubby asleep?

Alex Gakuru: Hi all, sorry I have to drop off

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: LOL

CLO: He is indeed  @ Eric and snoring quietly ;-)

Alex Gakuru: @CLO, :-)

Carlton Samuels: Take care Alex. Thanks for coming along

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I don't really havemuch to add to it :-)

Alan Greenberg: OCL, if you are happy with what it say, please confirm...

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I've pushed enough for IPv6 to be mandatory. Avri & I 
have disagreed since 2008. :-)

Eric Brunner-Williams: clicking on 
yeilds an error message

Eric Brunner-Williams: @seth see above

Eric Brunner-Williams: @seth, ignore, intermittent error.

CLO: Agree with Avri on the SQA getting the "acceptance / standing of  course"

Eric Brunner-Williams: after looking i can't actually find the text under 
discussion. help someone

CLO: @Eric  I'm working from the notes  text above

CLO: which  shoiuld be from the draft report

Eric Brunner-Williams: apparently unmut is not supported

Wendy Profit: It's in the notes on the adobe scroll down

Eric Brunner-Williams: thanks

Eric Brunner-Williams: who wrote this "while the GAC has requested .... ASO to 
assist ..." text?

Eric Brunner-Williams: then i'll hang.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat

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