[ssac-gnso-irdwg] REMINDER: 24 Nov 2009: Kick-Off Meeting: Internationalized Registration Data Working Group
Dear members of the IRD-WG: This is a reminder that we will hold our kick-off meeting of the IRD-WG on Tuesday 24 November at 1400 UTC. 06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 London, 15:00 CET. For other places see: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedform.html <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedform.html> Dial-in details are below. Here is a draft agenda. Please feel free to suggest changes or additions. Please also review the information on the wiki at: https://st.icann.org/int-reg-data-wg/index.cgi?internationalized_registration_data_working_group and the draft charter as approved by the GNSO and the SSAC, which is attached for your reference in .doc and .pdf formats. You also may review the Draft Charter at: https://st.icann.org/int-reg-data-wg/index.cgi?internationalized_registration_data_working_group_charter. IRD-WG Kick-Off Meeting Draft Agenda: 1. Introductions (5 minutes) 2. Approve agenda (5 minutes) 3. Develop meetings schedule (10 minutes) 4. Nominations for Co-Chairs (20 minutes) 5. Review of Draft Charter (25 minutes) 6. Draft Work Plan for Timeline & Deliverables (25 minutes) 7. Adjourn Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, if you have not already done so, please forward to me your Statement of Interest (see questions below). Thank you very much. Best regards, Julie Julie Hedlund Director, SSAC Support Members of the IRD-WG shall provide the following information in their Statements of Interest (Please complete the following questions and return the response to Julie Hedlund at: julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx): 1. Current vocation, employer and position 2. Type of work performed in #1 above 3. Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in registries, registrars or other firms that are interested parties in ICANN policy or any entity with which ICANN has a transaction, contract, or other arrangement. 4. Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in ICANN GNSO policy development processes and outcomes. Are you representing other parties? Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work team member. 5. Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in internationalized data registration or issues relating to the work of the IRD-WG. 6. The Board requested that WG members have specific "knowledge, expertise, and experience in these areas". Please identify any knowledge, expertise or experience you have that would be relevant to this work. 7. Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from participation in such processes. For example, if you are an academic or NGO and use your position to advance your ability to participate, this should be a part of the statement of interest, just as should employment by a contracted party, or a business relationship with a non- contracted party who has an interest in policy outcomes. ____________________________________________________________________________ Participant passcode: IRD For security reasons, the passcode will be required to join the call. ____________________________________________________________________________ Dial in numbers: Country Toll Numbers Freephone/Toll Free Number ARGENTINA 0800-777-0519 AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE: 61-8-8121-4842 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA BRISBANE: 61-7-3102-0944 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA CANBERRA: 61-2-6100-1944 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE: 61-3-9010-7713 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA PERTH: 61-8-9467-5223 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA SYDNEY: 61-2-8205-8129 1-800-657-260 AUSTRIA 43-1-92-81-113 0800-005-259 BELGIUM 32-2-400-9861 0800-3-8795 BRAZIL 0800-7610651 CHILE 1230-020-2863 CHINA* 86-400-810-4789 10800-712-1670 10800-120-1670 COLOMBIA 01800-9-156474 CZECH REPUBLIC 420-2-25-98-56-64 800-700-177 DENMARK 45-7014-0284 8088-8324 ESTONIA 800-011-1093 FINLAND Land Line: 106-33-203 0-800-9-14610 FINLAND Mobile: 09-106-33-203 0-800-9-14610 FRANCE LYON: 33-4-26-69-12-85 080-511-1496 FRANCE MARSEILLE: 33-4-86-06-00-85 080-511-1496 FRANCE PARIS: 33-1-70-70-60-72 080-511-1496 GERMANY 49-69-2222-20362 0800-664-4247 GREECE 30-80-1-100-0687 00800-12-7312 HONG KONG 852-3001-3863 800-962-856 HUNGARY 06-800-12755 INDIA 000-800-852-1268 INDONESIA 001-803-011-3982 IRELAND 353-1-246-7646 1800-992-368 ISRAEL 1-80-9216162 ITALY 39-02-3600-6007 800-986-383 JAPAN OSAKA: 81-6-7739-4799 0066-33-132439 JAPAN TOKYO: 81-3-5539-5191 0066-33-132439 LATVIA 8000-3185 LUXEMBOURG 352-27-000-1364 MALAYSIA 1-800-81-3065 MEXICO 001-866-376-9696 NETHERLANDS 31-20-718-8588 0800-023-4378 NEW ZEALAND 64-9-970-4771 0800-447-722 NORWAY 47-21-590-062 800-15157 PANAMA 011-001-800-5072065 PERU 0800-53713 PHILIPPINES 63-2-858-3716 POLAND 00-800-1212572 PORTUGAL 8008-14052 RUSSIA 8-10-8002-0144011 SINGAPORE 65-6883-9230 800-120-4663 SLOVAK REPUBLIC 421-2-322-422-25 SOUTH AFRICA 080-09-80414 SOUTH KOREA 82-2-6744-1083 00798-14800-7352 SPAIN 34-91-414-25-33 800-300-053 SWEDEN 46-8-566-19-348 0200-884-622 SWITZERLAND 41-44-580-6398 0800-120-032 TAIWAN 886-2-2795-7379 00801-137-797 THAILAND 001-800-1206-66056 UNITED KINGDOM BIRMINGHAM: 44-121-210-9025 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM GLASGOW: 44-141-202-3225 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM LEEDS: 44-113-301-2125 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM LONDON: 44-20-7108-6370 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM MANCHESTER: 44-161-601-1425 0808-238-6029 URUGUAY 000-413-598-3421 USA 1-517-345-9004 866-692-5726 VENEZUELA 0800-1-00-3702 *Access to your conference call will be either of the numbers listed, dependent on the participants' local telecom provider. Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers using a mobile telephone. ------ End of Forwarded Message Attachment:
Internationalized-Registration-Data-WG Draft Charter-27-Sep-09.doc Attachment:
Internationalized-Registration-Data-WG Draft Charter-27-Sep-09.pdf