[ssac-gnso-irdwg] IRD-WG Meeting Notes and Actions 11 October
Dear IRD-WG members, Attached are the notes from the 11 October meeting and action items below. Please note that the uploaded documents on the wiki are currently not accessible due to a technical problem. I will upload these notes as soon as the problem is resolved. Our next meeting is scheduled for next Monday, 25 October, at 1500 UTC/1100 EDT/0800 PDT. The teleconference details will be sent via separate email later this week. Actions: 1. Staff will provide a draft preliminary report for Working Group review 2. Staff will investigate the feasibility of conducting a survey on the models and develop a draft survey Please let me know if you have any questions. Best regards, Julie Attachment:
IRD-WG Meeting Notes 11 Oct 2010.pdf