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Comments from JPNIC Domain Name Policy Study Group

  • To: stld-rfp-cat@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Comments from JPNIC Domain Name Policy Study Group
  • From: dom-sec@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 21:05:00 +0900 (JST)

Japan Network Information Center, JPNIC, has organized a study group 
called "JPNIC Domain Name Policy Study Group".

Please find the comments as per listed below for which we have gathered
and discussed for your reference.

- The Catalan linguistic and cultural community is clear at a certain 
  level and its users are assumable, and it is unlikely that the 
  creation of ".cat" TLD causes any negative impact on the Internet 
  from a technical point of view.

  Therefore, I think it is OK to create ".cat" TLD if the application
  is supported by the majority of the relevant community and there is
  no strong internal opposition for its creation.

- Aside from the financial and technical stability for the operation
  of TLD, the concept of creating ".cat" is understandable because 
  the community has a clear definition at a certain level.

Members of JPNIC Domain Name Policy Study Group

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