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.mail Domain name

  • To: <stld-rfp-mail@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: .mail Domain name
  • From: "Cory Osborn" <cory@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 08:15:08 -0700
  • Importance: Normal

While the idea behind this proposal is valid, I am concerned at the overall effects to legitimate business and domains who do not send spam nor act as a relay for spammers.  The hope of the proposal is that the high cost of registration will deter spammers from attempting to register.  However a a US$2000 fee for registration, would be prohibitive for any small-business owner or operator of a personal website such as myself.  I own and operate my own email server across a few domains and I have been using the same personal email address for over 5 years.  With what is being proposed, I would be forced to use an email address from a large corporation in order for people to not throw perfectly valid emails away.  This cannot happen.
Thank you,
Cory Osborn
Cory Osborn * cory@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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