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Summary and Analysis of Comments

  • To: "tel-one-and-two-char-domains@xxxxxxxxx" <tel-one-and-two-char-domains@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Summary and Analysis of Comments
  • From: Francisco Arias <francisco.arias@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 17:15:27 -0800

Summary and Analysis of Comments for: One and Two-Character ASCII .TEL
Domain Names Proposed Amendment
The comment period was open from 10 October to 11 November 2010. Two
comments were received; one was supportive and the second was not relevant
to the proposed amendment. All comments can be viewed at:
Jothan Frakes supports the approval of one and two-character domain names in
.TEL because there are already other gTLDs that had have this restriction
lifted. Jothan also commented that this restriction is a concept worth
evolving from, as it is dated and no longer necessary.
Next Steps:
ICANN will consider approval of the proposed amendment to the .TEL
Agreement, taking into account the comments received.
2010 October 16
 - Dr Kenneth K Kwaku
2010 November 11
 - Jothan Frakes

Best regards,

Francisco Arias
gTLD Registry Technical Liaison
Phone: +1 310 823 9358
PGP fingerprint: FE95 C7E7 36C7 A039 94BB  C781 FD75 BB9D C55F 51B5


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