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ALAC Statement on Travel Support Guidelines for Community Members

  • To: Kevin Wilson <kevin.wilson@xxxxxxxxx>, "travel-guidelines-feedback@xxxxxxxxx" <travel-guidelines-feedback@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: ALAC Statement on Travel Support Guidelines for Community Members
  • From: ICANN AtLarge Staff <staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:36:21 -0700

To: Kevin Wilson, travel-guidelines-feedback@xxxxxxxxx
Copied to: Denise Michel, staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, secretary@xxxxxxxxx, 
alac-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Dear Kevin,

The At-Large staff has the honor to transmit to you the ALAC Statement on 
Travel Support Guidelines for Community Members on behalf of the At-Large 
Advisory Committee.

This Statement was drafted by the Chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee, 
Cheryl Langdon-Orr at the request of the ALAC, and follows on from the ALAC 
Statement on ALAC and At-Large Travel Support Requirements 
(AL.ALAC/ST.0309/4.Rev4) of 24th March 2009.

The original draft of this document was posted for At-Large community 
consultation on 15th June 2009, closing on 21th June and a vote of the ALAC 
began on 30th June, ending on 6th July.

The results were announced on 7th July by the Staff, said result being that the 
Statement was endorsed by a vote of 11-0-0.  The result may be verified under 
the following URL: 

Please note that the attached ALAC Statement has already been submitted to the 
official email address for this consultation on February 7th. The present email 
is to confirm the status of this Statement as an official communication from 
the ALAC to the ICANN  Board of Directors.

Nick Ashton-Hart, Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Gisella Gruber-White
ICANN At-Large Staff
email: staff at atlarge.icann.org

Attachment: AL-ALAC-ST-0609-2-Final - ALAC Statement on Travel Support Guidelines for Community Members - EN.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF Document

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