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Comments to WHOIS Reports
- To: "whois-comments-2007@xxxxxxxxx" <whois-comments-2007@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Comments to WHOIS Reports
- From: "Joseph A. Paparella B.S.Me., J.D., Esq." <jap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:29:45 -0400
I agree that replacing the contact info with an operational point of contact
(POC) will ensure privacy, as well as ensure the public's right to contact the
However, having encountered this problem numerous times, I suggest that you
also place in the rules that contact information MUST be kept up to date, and
that the POC be authorized to accept service of process (SOP) for the
We must ensure, however, that the POC not be used to shield the Registrant. As
such, we will need recourse when the POC neither acknowledges receipt or SOP,
and the party seeking the response should not bear the duty to have to "find"
the Registrant. One way of accomplishing this is a standard "complaint" that
would filed with ICANN, ICANN then sends a letter instructing the Registrant
that they have been contacted, have not replied, and if they do not reply, they
lose the domain name.
Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further service.
Joseph A. Paparella
Paparella & Associates
3878 Cascade Rd. SE
Grand Rapids, MI. 49546
(616) 949-6055
(888) 877-2873
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