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Study Suggestion Number 9

  • To: study-suggestions@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Study Suggestion Number 9
  • From: study-suggestion-response@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:47:38 -0800

Submitted By:
[Redacted for privacy reasons]

Immoral Locking Of WhoIs Name Searches by Some Registrars

The study would prove that when a person uses a domain name registrar, that 
subsequently does a WhoIs search on the desired name, Registrars often LOCK the 
searcher (and others) from registering that Name unless the Registrar is used.

How the hypothesis could be falsified:

It would help show customers that the WhoIs system isn't compromised by the 
greed of certain Registrars. 

Type of Study Needed:
Quantitative study of the top 10 registrars.   A survey to webmasters regarding 
their experiences.

Data that needs to be collected:
a) Which registrars presently lock domains after a domain name search
b) What relationship do these registrars have with domain name buying companies 
(both nationally and internationally)
c) Are the owners of registration firms allowed to buy domains. If so, a study 
on whether any of the domains they buy were once entered into their search 
window by a customer.

Population to be surveyed:
Domain registrars, webmasters.

Sample Size:
As large a sample size as your budget would permit.

Type of Analysis:
Analyze whether customers' names are being held hostage by certain registrars.
Analyze whether the owners (or executives) of Registration firms are stealing 
names from customers.

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