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Strong NO to the dot XXX top level domain.

  • To: <xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Strong NO to the dot XXX top level domain.
  • From: "Bc. Jaromir Adamek" <Jaromir__0610@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 09:22:09 +0100


I'm the adult webmaster from the year 1999 and i want, this way, say strong NO to the dot XXX top level domain name.

Every single activity on the Internet don't need his own top-level domain name! Imagine 10.000.000 top level domain names as is dot car, dot rent, dot buy, dot sell, dot shop, dot fish, dot clock, dot xxx ...

Respect freedom of the speech and NOT restrict all sexual activities on the single one top level domain name. Who will be responsible to say if some WWW must be or not must be in this dot XXX?! What is ok for you, will be strongly NOT ok for some muslims, jews or some others!For the some people on the world is ok only girl which is totally clothed and not exit his own house for whole his long life...

Respect freedom of the speech, respect democracy, respect the nature of the capitalism and reject this crazy comunist regulation censorship dot xxx idea right now and forever!

Yours sincerely

Bc. JA Adamek - EU

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