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Opposition to .xxx
- To: <xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Opposition to .xxx
- From: "Sanford Wilk" <sanford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 12:42:06 -0500
$60 for a domain?
Are you kidding?
How do you plan to keep our investigative journalists off your trail if you
attempt to pull off the scam against the adult industry?
Windfalls like this are equal to the credibility of gasoline selling at
$2.50/gallon while we spend billions to invade Iraq.
Except that Iraq is not my arena of news coverage. This is...
The day you approve this will be be the day that my I-Team shows up in your
Don't fool yourselves into believing that the adult industry (or those that
buy adult products) will easily tolerate $60/domain.
Do you think that our I-Team poses no chance of exposing this fraud? Think
again. These folks have graduate degrees in investigative journalism from
places like NYU and Columbia. Try this link:
This attempt to extort the adult industry will NOT be tolerated. Get your
closet ready for a skeleton check if this passes at $60/domain! Our feeds to
Google, Reuters, AP, et al, will be pumping daily until we expose the
benefactors of this less-than-above-board, back-room arbitrage.
You have my word.
Think carefully...
Sanford Wilk, Publisher
Direct: (877) 823-2444
Fax: (877) 537-5387

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