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DO NOT grant .xxx app. to do so would be a crime allowed by icann
- To: xxx-revised-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: DO NOT grant .xxx app. to do so would be a crime allowed by icann
- From: "info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 09:00:40 -0400
I am a member of the Adult Industry and DO NOT NEED OR WANT .xxx
Please Vote it Down.
A little about me first, I am a former Police Lt, and Investigator so
I read facts and go over the evidence carefully, as well as research
the claims before I decide on anything.
I have been following this for some time now, and find the quoted
support not there from the target community, the Child protection
Community, or the church community. My Police instinct lead me to
further investigate the facts.
I have checked some of the posters on your site and found many opposed
to this are real people and a good portion of those in favor are not
real people but just names made up with phony email accounts, Fact, I
can make up thousands of phony email accounts with phony names to get
past your verification, which seems to be the case here.
The facts are quite simple
ICM is here only to make money, and that is fine but he is doing it
with lies and deception.
If this was any court there would be full disclosure for those that
this will effect, show us the evidence.
The FSC has posted good points who are the real supporters in the
adult community?
Did they really put their name on the list in support?
Are their names on the list as a defensive pre reg (Which was not to
be the case)?
Are there sites listed that the site owners do not know about being
included as a supporter (Ie: Ballot stuffing)?
Who is this overseeing Board that ICM is picking?
If they are truly members of the adult community like ICM states then
why havent they themselves come forward in public support to their
I can go on but that would be repeating what many have stated here
There are many opposed from the adult industry, and I even saw one
from a church Bishop (Yes I checked into him as well and he is real).
all against this.
the choice is clear to me .xxx is a scam to commit extortion to the
adult community that already is self regulated and has a code of ethics.
they have their community orgs and areas to discuss community issues
and concerns (x-biz.net).
If you approve .xxx you will be granting ICM the right to commit
extortion and blackmail against a small community that works hard to
protect the non adult community.
VOTE NO to .xxx
Rubber Rebel
and many more

P please consider the environment before printing this email
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