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  • To: <xxx-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Harley Girl" <harleygirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 17:12:54 -0700

where do I start....

why do I oppose the DOT XXX ?

- it's a gimmick for the creators to gain money that lines only their pockets.

- adult webmasters have worked to hard on building their businesses to have 
some group of money hungry morons take it away. 

- are we suppose to just give up all the businesses we've created over the last 
10 years 

- it violates our first amendment " freedom of speech "

- I'm all for " keeping the kids safe " but that's for the parents to do. My 
kid has a computer in her room and is connected to the internet 24/7... she 
knows what she is allowed to do while on the computer and I monitor it daily to 
ensure that it's safe. If parents don't have the time nor the smarts to watch 
what their child is doing on the internet then they need parenting classes not 
a new adult only domain extension.

- the creators of the dot xxx idea want to really help "keep the kids safe" 
then let them dump their money they claim to want to spend on creating an 
entire web world designed for kids. 

let's be realistic here for a second... we adult webmasters are not stupid, we 
know the reasoning behind the creation of the DOT XXX and how much money will 
be made and all the pockets that will be greased if and when it's passed.

So, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO... I will not have my rights striped from me.

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