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.xxx is a bad idea

  • To: xxx-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: .xxx is a bad idea
  • From: TeenGodfather <TGF@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 11:09:10 +0300

Just pointing out my opinion which seems to be pretty same to anyone elses here.

.xxx is a horrible idea, a better idea in my humble opinion would be .kids or something that does NOT allow adult, which has been pointed out in other messages as well. There's always some loop around .xxx and a better way to protect children from smut is a domain extension dedicated to kids, and high penalties for those who abuse that extension. Like it or not, but Smut will find it's way around things. A better idea would be to have dedicated extensions to other things except adult material.

Pornography and adult entertainment is not illegal, why drive it to a corner and make it easy for ISP's, or anyone else to block most of the content on the Internet. We all know that would happen sooner than later under the current US regime. That would be unfair to honest businessmen that would need to basically start over, 10 years of work branding a domainname down the drain.

Another point is that who would get what .xxx, there's highly braded domain names that are .net, would the .com get that address automatically? Free for all? .eu was a disaster, and that same thing would happen with .xxx. Domain-name players would hog all the best names and just put landing pages on them or whatnot, in all this is a really really bad idea.

Then again,
I'm not the one to make the decisions.

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