Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment
on the ccNSO 10.
1.With regard to the filling of vacancies that may
occur on the ccNSO Council, will the method be the same as that which the ICANN
bylaws provide for the Board, the GMCO Council, and the ALAC, namely:
Vacancies are to be filled in the same manner as provided in the case of the
original appointments?
I don't believe the current draft addresses this
question for the ccNSO Council appointments made by the ICANN Nominating
2. When will the ICANN Nominating Committee need to
make its appointments to the ccNSO Council? Should it begin its work on this
task as soon as the Board approves the ccNSO Council's recommendations and the
implementing Bylaws are approved? Of is it expected that it would wait
until after the Launching Group completes its work?
3. Do members of the ccNSO Council need to be
selected from among the membership of ccNSO or is the situation the same as it
is for the other bodies for which the ICANN Nominating Committee makes the
4. Selections by the ICANN Nominating Committee for
the other bodies in ICANN are final. Presumably the same is true for those it
makes for the ccNSO Council.
Linda Wilson