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Username: SME
Date/Time: Thu, June 15, 2000 at 7:05 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.01 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Central problem is all the blackmail / fortune hunting


                        I think extending the number of Top Level Domains is a bad Idea since all companies than can afford it will register in all domains. It is a scam for ICAN members to make money out of the thin air leaving the weaker without protection.

It could be interesting to see how many of the Domain names really were in use or just put up on an auction somewhere. It is ok to have a domain name reserved while you build the company, but to buy it without intention to use it because you want to sell it or even use it for blackmail is behaviour that should be stopped.

How to stop it? Hmmm... Raising the prices is probably not the solution because it hits everyone making non-commercial solutions. Good ideas wanted. One solution could be to close down all the auction sites like afternic and/or make reselling of domain names illegal unless certain conditions is present.     


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