I have been trying to promote the idea of .REG since last November. Their idea
is to screw everyone for what they can get. TM businesses have to keep on covering
all the bases .firm .shop etc. etc.
Then the lawyers can screw everybody for fees
in TM infringement and squatting cases.
Big companies can screw everybody. Fans
of tv shows and people using a TM name to make legitamate complaint about a company
get threatened with $100,00 lawsuits.
Free speech is screwed. Peoples are even
threatened over their own name and have them taken away. It will be worse now that
people are TM their own names, not just to protect it, but to stop others using their
own. Example is on my site.
The authorities know there is only one logical answer:
one TLD is needed for all trademarks. Using .reg, for example:
A trademark *name*
is for a specific *class* in a specific *country*.
Therefore with a domain name
in the format - name.class.reg.country it would be a unique identifier - no trademark
conflict. Fully explained at protest site below.
www.WIPO.org.uk is nothing to
do with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO.ORG).