<< Answer the question you dare not to face in round 1,
Why there is such
an unfair, unopened, profitable, trade-marked and private agreement ?!!! Answer
it directly, clearly AND concisely>>
MY "DIRECT and CLEAR" Response:
I will try, so here goes: IOD and it's .web name were early pioneers in the creation
of a new gTLD...Since they used .web as there service mark they were entitled to
use it as such to identify their business. They have a right to create a service
mark so that all inviduals could identify their company...What sets IOD appart is
they had the foresight (in my judgement) to create this service mark (dot web) around
there business...Look at companies now trying to claim they are the "dot com people"
etc....IOD was exclusive in this...A service mark is granted and owned...(if continuously
used which no one can say otherwise about IOD)...As far as your other comment about
private agreements I or no one else can really speak on this issue, other than IOD
who had a representative meet with Mr Manning and the late Jon Postel...Your comment
about the whole situation as being unfair...well sir...business is business....If
we ran our businesses based on being "fair" alone we wouldn't be in business for
long.....ICANN itself must run like a business...Some individuals who really, really
wanted their own .tld and sent in their proposal will get turned down....it might
not be fair, but until we live in a utopian society where everyone wins and everyone
gets everything they want...it will still be business as usual...I hope not to sound
sarcastic, but really...when you posed the question you did...what else could you
expect...Nonetheless I do respect your stance on this issue...What I suggest is you
research and provide clear evidence of what it is you wish to purport....This is
a lesson for us all...including myself (I try to put disclaimers up that these are
only my opinions, however I do dig for facts....which is what ICANN wants us to do)...