Dear Mrs. Gundelfinger
I carefully read your interesting comment.
But, if I register
pickbull in Switzerland, someone else in the U.S., someone else in Germany, someone
else in Japan, ... and you mulitiply all existing nations with all existing 49 classes
that might be registered (and more then 1 trademark may be allowed for the same class,
depending on the specifications made). Do you think your sunrise idea still works?
can participate when? I am not convinced of it.
I think the only solution is the
creation of clearly identifiable trademark-gtlds as .tm, .reg or .1 (one - worldwide
known trademarks like CocaCola), where nobody else is admitted, than trademark holders.
there shouldn't be any trademark protection regarding all other gtlds (.com, ...).
They simply were not created for that purpose!
A certain protection for cctlds
can be established (same rights for individuals names, clubs, businesses, trademarkowners,
who live / registered their name in that country + the well-known first-come-first-serve
As you are an expert, I am certainly interested in your response.