You say: Indeed, a great many such registrations are for the sole purpose of domain
name resale (for a profit).I say: You would know a great deal more about profit
than ALL of us put together, us your customers. You are the profiteers, getting the
most you can for your product. Don't talk about percentages - I used to work in Accounts.
I can also make figures say what I want them to say. Look at the bottom line, PROFIT
- it says it all. With a glance at all the big bosses fat-cat wages, of course.
say: the various available combinations of words and word elements are still many.
say: Yes, you are quite right "" is still available. You
are just trying to stop the people from expanding the Internet, so you have better
You say: a go slow approach is appropriate, as recommended by the DNSO.
say: The BIG BUSINESS trademark protectionists GAVE THEM THAT ADVICE. You are just
trying to stop the people from expanding the Internet, so you have better control.
say: While the last Sunrise proposal was flawed, I believe that there is the germ
of a good idea there. A sunrise (early registration) system would relieve the
infrastructure of any obligation to "police" domain name applications.
I say: "Germ
of Good Idea" - You must be joking. You would still "police" domain names and call
people 'cybersquatters', infringing on *YOUR* supposed space. Your type are never
satisfied - greed - greed - greed.
You say: UDRP principles should apply to all
gTLDs, regardless of whether open or restricted.
I say: Who the hell are you to
dictate to us ALL. UDRP principles are being exploited by big business.
You say:
History has shown us that owners of famous trademarks are victimized by cybersquatters
on a very large scale.
I say: Have you checked what is happening NOW. Everyday
words are being stolen from the owners and used as trademarks. It is called reverse
hijacking, sanctioned by the authorities.
Who do you think you are dealing with?
We can see your game. a gTLD of .REG in virtual world - like (TM) in real world,
would identify trademarks. Along with the class and country, to ALSO allow others
of same name, you would be You obviously do not want to allow
small business to use their name.
It would allow me to trademark and use my business
on the Internet. It is a natural manure company: Intel Manure Ltd - so I could use
Nobody condones blackmailing companies - to stop them using
their name. You also do not like the shoe being on the other foot - the people ASKING
for something back off companies. I have LOTS more to say, but had better leave it
there - for now.
All the above is my personal considered and informed opinion.
I know how you lot think, stick your pretence opinion of lawyers. Vile creatures!
indeed. You use them too much, methinks you are in bed with them. has
nothing to do with