Explosion - You will not believe how bad it will get.> Introduction of new TLDs
that compete with the existing ones will trigger an explosion of trademark conflicts.
100 percent. Mantra begins - dot REG will solve that problem.
> Registrars should
seek a little bit more creative ways to find new sources of revenue.
They already
have a fixed revenue stream. The continued sale of domains and massive ongoing renewal
fees. Do not worry about them - they will not go broke.
> Domain name system is
not there to facilitate revenue sources for a bunch of badly managed companies, but
to help internet grow in a way so that we all can mutually benefit.
They think
the DNS is their pot of gold.
> I believe inventing the country-code TLDs was the
greatest mistake ever done with the internet. Those country codes are against the
spirit of internet being a truly global medium.
I believe had they been properly
managed, it could have helped the Internet ENORMOUSLY. If used solely for a countries
business and services and people. Piss-poor Internet mismanagement again.
> Those
country codes are against the spirit of internet being a truly global medium.
are suffering from limited vision.
> And some of those TLDs ending up as .com competitors
was inevitable, but this only helped to distort the name system.
Especially with
ICANN in charge.
> Can you tell me why a 10.000 island and its registrar can cash
on selling domain names (because the island happens to be declared a republic, territory
etc.) but a 10 million strong city can not (because it's part of a large political
entity)? There is no rational logic behind all this.
Agree 100 percent - They can
go off the ccTLD ie .NY.US and .Liverpool.UK etc.
> I believe, before introducing
new TLDs, we should concentrate on solving the problems of the existing system and
on how to make it consolidate.
I believe they have been dragging their feet long
enough. They could have solved these problems years ago.