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Username: Voice Of Reason
Date/Time: Mon, July 3, 2000 at 3:25 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: ***ICANN*** Very On Topic


      Surely you have noticed that the main ones who voice dribble here are very negative against the .web thing.  Those names are not really providing input on any of the "topics" which warrant discussion.  "They" are only trying to persuade you against .web rather than talk about the Issues at hand.

Now, I have gone back over the posts and the "Others" (some who have .web names registered and some who have not, but would still like to see .web as a gTLD) are discussing Issues which can provide you with appropriate input into the Topics you asked to be discussed.

I would suppose if I can see this flow in the threads here, so can you.


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