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Username: Dennis
Date/Time: Tue, July 4, 2000 at 9:30 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Famous Marks Protection during Start-Up of aTLD


Working Group B specifically rejected a proposal for a sunrise period in which Famous Marks would be allowed first crack at names in a new TLD.

For that reason I was somewhat surprised in May to see the Names Council's summary of the WG-B report, in which they gave a convoluted nod to the idea of start-up protection.  As quoted in the Yokohama agenda --on which the ICANN staff did an impressive job -- "...the Names Council ... recommended that there be varying degrees of protection for intellectual property during the startup phase of new top-level domains."

This statement seriously distorts what WG-B said.  The NC basically grafted its own wishes onto that of the Working Group, having failed to obtain the result it wanted from the group.

I served on -- or tried to -- Working Group B until the dominant forces of big business and intellectual property law all but made individual participation impossible.  This was not a bottom-up enterprise at all, but a solidly top-down affair that mimicked the functioning of the best-oiled trade associations.

ICANN is supposed to be representative and inclusive. The Board should take action to investigate whether and why the Names Council's recommendation in this matter ignored the recommendations of the members.

Dennis Schaefer
Marblehead MA USA

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