> It is designed to get all those that got mycompany.co.uk and those that got
yourcompany.fr etc. etc. to ALSO get mycompany.eu and yourcompany.eu etc. etc.No.
It is about identification with EUrope. Yes, foo.de will also get foo.eu -
only if the company/organization/... is active in several countries.
the same idea as "friedrich" (with whom I fully agree about .1 .reg
.tm) had about
.com. Having .eu means beeing active in whole EUrope,
as .com should better mean
beeing active in the whole world (and not some
small us company in Hintertupfingen).
would recommend the same for .asia in case of sufficient demand.
> Essentially
to rip off everyone in Europe. I saw it straight away, when
> announced a while
back. It is obvious Europeans aren't going to get rid of their
> co.uk .fr etc.
- what for? Companies/organisations/*private* *persons* that act only
should have a domain reflecting that.
> More bloody trademark conflicts and infringement!
is an issue completely independant of the .eu question. Please read
post in the discussion about Working Group C.