After reading through Sotiris' seemingly random mumblings on the new gTLDs (and other
subjects), I have a question.In your response to Professor Chander's interesting
auction idea, you basically call him a Communist (we can read between the lines).
You rant about how the Free Market, Capitalist world is the best. Then, in other
posts, you infer that the Evil Corporations and WIPO are stealing the domain names
of innocent people.
Hate to tell you, but those Evil Corporations are the very
products of a Free Market, Capitalist system. Believe it or not, these Evil Corporations
started out with a few people.
So what is the solution Sotiris? On one side you've
got the terrible Commies and on the other you've got the Evil Corporations representing
Capitalism. Which one is it going to be? Oh I forgot. The solution is obvious! The
solution must be the world where Sotiris gets whatever he wants.