If all the CCtlds, alternative roots, and private citizens refuse to use ICANN's
A-Root servers to resolve DNS then we can solve many problems. Rather than fight
about it, all the alternative roots should join together and render ICANN obsolete.ICANN
has done a good job of making people hate and mistrust them:
1) They hold meetings
behind closed doors
2) People like Joe Sims and Louis Touton (who aren't even
Members of the Board) get to make powerful decisions.
3) They have teamed up with
the IP interests to steal freedom
4) The have openly lied time and time again
They have re-written their own by-laws whenever it suited them
6) They have comletely
sold out to Network Solutions / CORE
The people will not tolerate this behaviour
any longer. If it requires open revolt to over-throw the tyrants in charge so be