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VeriSign renegade behavior
  • To: <forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: VeriSign renegade behavior
  • From: <Bob_Guzik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 07:10:03 -0700
  • Importance: High

I concur VeriSign's behavior raises many grave questions. I find their
actions to be reminiscent of 'spammers' who revel in hijacking the Internet
for their own selfish purposes. I too, would like to add my voice in urging
ICANN to take whatever action is necessary to stop this  dead in its tracks.

Bob Guzik
Research Specialist
Advanced Technologies
mailto:bob_guzik@dstinnovis.com <mailto:bob_guzik@dstinnovis.com>
Work: 916.939.6199
Cell: 916.769.8419

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