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[alac-forum] Accuracy of Whois Data
  • To: <forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [alac-forum] Accuracy of Whois Data
  • From: "Connex Pro Audio" <connex-pro-audio@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 09:42:32 -0800
  • Importance: High
  • Reply-to: <conor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: <owner-alac-forum@xxxxxxxxx>

There is very little point in having meetings , 
drawing conclusions , and making recommendations 
about the accuracy of whois data if there isn't a 
simple , unambiguous , and foolproof method for 
registrants to force registrars to amend 
inaccurate data .
I have been trying , through a variety of means to 
get Verisign to publish to the registry 
www.nic.name correct data for my domain name . 
None of the phone numbers are correct , Verisign 
have inserted their own phone numbers in some 
fields , and an email address is missing . This is 
the current situation , previously it was even worse !
I have been complaining about this for well over a 
year and I have never yet been able to properly 
amend my Whois data once and for all .
ICANN is worthless if it cannot even manage to 
enforce the stipulations of the contracts it has 
with registrars . Worthy intentions are no good , 
there must be a proper system for forcing 
registrars to publish undoctored Whois data .

Regards , Conor C .

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