The more ICANN writes against
IODesign, the more they expose themselves for who and what they truly are.In the
beginning of this process I had the false hopes that ICANN was going to be objective
in it's accessments of the applications. However, to the contrary, ICANN has attacked
IODesign in every turn by using IODesign as an example in legal postings, refusing
to require the recusal of Ken Stubs (ICANN says he only consulted them before Yokohama
"Yeah Right")
Here are a few snippets from ICANN's application that I find most
ICANN >>> Based upon its historical experience, IOD has not demonstrated
the ability to grow, even when performing other services, such as web hosting and
<<< IODesign has already stated that it decided to forego webhosting and
design in order to focus upon building the ".WEB" registry.
ICANN >>> Moreover,
two of the four employees, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Operating Officer,
are performing two roles. The planned management is working at Toyota San Luis Obispo
as the Chief Executive Officer and Business Manager. This dual responsibility
could potentially become problematic for the registry operation.
<<< First and
foremost, ICANN fails to mention the large number of personnel relating to IODesign's
subcontractors. Second, who is ICANN to dictate the number of roles a person holds
in their professional lives? I run a successful technical consulting business, web
hosting & design and online toy business.
ICANN >>> Overall, the other applications
in this group are significantly more realistic and would result in much more viable
competition for the .com registry.
<<< Realistic? Give us a break ICANN, Your assertions
towards IODesign are completely biased and geared towards trying only to validate
your self interested (Ken Stubs) reasons for not giving IODesign what rightfully
belongs to them.
I'll post more later but I gotta assume one of my other roles
as Husband and Father!