Thanks for giving me a little chuckle with these highly suspect posts.On a serious
note, if you truly are a 10th grade teacher (which I highly doubt), you should be
aware of the following spelling/grammatical errors in your post:
>My name is Debra
Johnson and I am a 10th grade Teacher<
Teacher isn't capitalized.
>note I can
not be mad at him either<
Cannot is one word.
>stand up for whats right. I think
thats something<
Those should be "what's".
>What is it that you are trying to
teach are children?<
Are children? Maybe you meant "our children"?
>There are
now three things my son is not aloud to look at on the internet.<
Aloud? Maybe
you meant "allowed"?
Please do keep your son and students away from the posts in
this forum. Your atrocious spelling and grammar set an extremely bad example. And
if you really are a teacher, you represent the horrific state our public education
system is in.
Geez. Whatever happened to reading and writing?