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Username: lexcoop
Date/Time: Wed, November 15, 2000 at 9:43 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: go dot coop


One of the beauties of cooperatives is that they are locally controlled institutions.  This is a rarity in the business world today, and I believe one of the factors that has made coops so successfull.  However, as local institutions, coops have always had trouble developing a common identity that recognizable throughout the world.  A dot coop TDL would give coops around the world a shared space.  I think that one of the great powers of the web is that it creates its own sense of place/space/community. The problem is that this space is often without responsibility or accountability. Dot coop would create on the web a unified space for cooperatives who by nature create this accountability through local control.  I think that would be a great accomplishment for the web.    


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