The cooperative movement is one of the primary forces for development
that allows communities to retain control of their wealth and environment. It is
critical for emerging cooperatives to identify other co-ops around the world, to
learn from, to partner with, to develop trade that is focused on community health.
Our little natural food cooperative has had the privilege of hosting cooperators
from countries that are building or rebuilding their agricultural sectors. But we
were dependent for our connection upon large co-ops that have international development
divisions. How much better for all of us if we could have a reliable electronic way
to locate each other.
National and international bodies in the cooperative
movement are well positioned to ensure that only true cooperatives receive the .co-op
TLD. Please grant this TLD to the millions of co-op members around the world, who
share a vision of cooperative, democratic economics.
Thank you.
Elizabeth Archerd
Services Director
Wedge Community Co-op
Minneapolis, MN