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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Thu, November 16, 2000 at 1:16 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Official Reprimand


      Please clean your act up Eliahu...your immature attitude is not representative of us IOD supporters who have worked hard to provide fact and information. (i post this reply to highlight that point)...You can have your opinions, and caustic posts, but your not doing us any favors...Speak to the heart of the issue...If you have something to prove, post the link that can back up your point....I have spoken strongly in these forums on certain matters but I always provided a link to drive my point home...It is the "facts" that make IOD and its supporters strong (which 99.9% of us have done--it's just you 1%)

If your going to reply that you were making light of the situation (as you did in a previous post) save your yourself the trouble...All that I am asking for here in this thread is a vote of confidence for IOD...

Thank you

Gregory W. Krajewski


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