Our ISP has had to put up over $15,000 to fix problems with
our own in house anti-spam and intrusion detection software for our 2,500 dial
up and 1,000 T1/ISDN corporate customers. It’s amazing that Verisign had
the nerve to do such an outrageous thing with something they have any right to.
They are asked to run the root servers, but it’s not required for them to
do so. It’s almost like me deciding to take over my public library and
putting in ads in between all the books telling them what books they might like
if they are in this area and then telling the library that everything is in
including books that don’t even exist. The worst part is the library can’t
do anything because I work for a really big publisher. Well maybe its not the best analogy but Verisign is doing something
that should be illegal. It’s devious, deceptive. They are harming the infrastructure
of the internet, just to use their monopoly over internet to make a few dollars
on a worthless portal system that Verisign gets to monopolize over anyways.