[wildcard-comments] Chronological Index
(Many comments were automatically submitted via a petition at
; those comments are archived
Thread Index
( 5 )
2003 Sep 30
[wildcard-comments] Fair Wildcard Rules Needed
Stan Kugell
[wildcard-comments] VeriSign's DNS Wildcard: Please SUSPEND IT
Daniel De Luca
[wildcard-comments] Verisign and business: a comment on the implicaitons of dns widlcards
Anthony E. Millar
[wildcard-comments] Commercial control of gTLDs
Greg Bromage
[wildcard-comments] Stop verisign!
Patrick L
[wildcard-comments] Now I can't just correct my typo
Bob Seeman
[wildcard-comments] DNS Wildcard service
Steve Southwell
2003 Sep 29
[wildcard-comments] Verisign Abuse
[wildcard-comments] DNS ROOT Server Hijacking by VERISIGN
Postmaster - NH Camp Pendleton
[wildcard-comments] Verisign abuse of the DNS system
Paul Miller
[wildcard-comments] DNS Hijacking
Bob Love
[wildcard-comments] Oppose Verisign's usurping of wildcards
Chris Shenton
[wildcard-comments] Verisign Hijacking of the Internet
David K. James
[wildcard-comments] Technical Cost-Benefit
Ray Fassett
[wildcard-comments] Comments on Verisign Wilcard RR deployment
Alan Sparks
[wildcard-comments] Verisign DNS abuse
Brian Backland
[wildcard-comments] Class Action Against Verisign
Class Action Against Verisign
Paul Hanson
[wildcard-comments] Stop this wildcarding thing ASAP!
Kai Schaetzl
[wildcard-comments] What a disaster
Leon Oosterwijk
[wildcard-comments] Abuse of Power
Nathan P Sharp
[wildcard-comments] stability concerns
Elmar Knipp
[wildcard-comments] Unfair and irritating
Stephane Benoit
[wildcard-comments] What is *Vint Cerf* smoking?
J. Vogel
[wildcard-comments] Stop VeriSign.
Phillip B. Holmes
[wildcard-comments] October 7 Meeting
Le Busque, Allan
[wildcard-comments] Bad thing.
Nethanel Vilensky
2003 Sep 28
[wildcard-comments] Comments on Verisign's abuse of trust
Jeff Wasilko
[wildcard-comments] It's also about Privacy
Bob Seeman
[wildcard-comments] Please Stop Verisgn.
Xon Crossnoe
[wildcard-comments] RFC 791 and Verisign
[wildcard-comments] verisign
[wildcard-comments] In support of ALAC statement
Alexander Svensson
[wildcard-comments] Verisign costing us money.
King Of Pop
[wildcard-comments] VeriSign TLD contract
Jay Westerdal
[wildcard-comments] The Value of Trust in 2007
Jay Westerdal
[wildcard-comments] Verisign - abuse of power
[wildcard-comments] Disgraceful
Alyson Johnson
[wildcard-comments] Verisign's Wildcard Service Deployment
James Parsons
[wildcard-comments] Site Finder
[wildcard-comments] VeriSign
[wildcard-comments] Stop Verisign's Abuse!
Divya Thakur
[wildcard-comments] It's about the money
Bob Seeman
[wildcard-comments] It breaks all non-HTTP applications in new ways, ways that lead tosupport calls
Steve Loughran
2003 Sep 27
[wildcard-comments] No public good provided, just self-serving greed
Robert M. Enger
[wildcard-comments] VeriSign - At it AGAIN
Dave M
[wildcard-comments] Short Term gain over infrastructural stability
[wildcard-comments] Verisign abuse
[wildcard-comments] Resolve this situation, with or without Verisign.
Claes Tullbrink
[wildcard-comments] Verisign DNS changes - an attack on my network.
Tom ONeil
[wildcard-comments] Replace Verisign
Chris Smith
[wildcard-comments] Verisign should turn off sitefinder
[wildcard-comments] verisign has shown their true intentions
Skip Hans Stellhorn
[wildcard-comments] Verisign's Internet Abuse
Ken Elmy
[wildcard-comments] Verisign has broken DNS
Mike Heins
[wildcard-comments] Versign goes TOO far
Stuart Brook
[wildcard-comments] Verisign Tactics
Peter Gant
[wildcard-comments] Verisign NET and COM Wildcards Considered Unethical
stanislav shalunov
[wildcard-comments] Verisign should be removed
( 5 )
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Archive Last Updated:
2004 Mar 11 00:21:39 (UTC)
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