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[wildcard-comments] Verisign: let's get rid of them

  • To: wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] Verisign: let's get rid of them
  • From: BertFW <bertfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 23:49:53 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx

Just wanted to add my .02 to the swell of negative comments regarding Verisign's latest abuse tactic. Network Solutions may have been overly bureaucratic and apparently clueless at times, but at least they didn't abuse their position. Verisign obviously can't be trusted to manage the .com and .net TLDs. That privilege should be passed on to an entity which can handle the responsibility. Verisign has shown that they do not have the best interest of the Internet community at heart.

Bert W.

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