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[wildcard-comments] 1 word, bullshit

  • To: wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] 1 word, bullshit
  • From: "Robert Forth" <tyrranzzx@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 15:08:56 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx

First of all, I get enough advertising when I goto a website, watch TV, goto the movies, or pay for something. I don't want advertising when I mistype a url and I don't want to play musical IP's with Verisign when they start shifting them around to keep people from continueously blacklisting their system. I don't want to deal with blocking their advertising as well, inotherwords.

Secondly, I don't like how this creats all kinds of rukus for people and their machines. If I mistype a URL, I should get an error page. If a program tries to access a website that doesn't exist, it should get an error page, not an advertisement for which programmers will need to continuously update a program to fight so it will work the way it's supposed to.

I'v already blacklisted verisign in their entirety (I hope, might have missed a few chunks) because of the bullshit they pull with their customers as have many IT people, enough is enough. Every time I hear of verisign doing something like this, I think "man, where's ICANN to make everything right?" and everytime you guys sit on your ass and don't do anything I loose a piece of respect. Eventually, if you just let Verisign do whatever they want, people will loose respect for ICANN and what it's come to stand for. So yank the servers out from under their asses and work with the internet on an international level, preferably through a UN council of some kind or another, composed of actual people and not corperations or countries with interests. The only reason the internet uses the root DNS servers is because they work, if they slowly stop working, several smaller, probably interoperable projects will pop up to replace them and that'll be the end of the DNS root servers.

Robert Forth

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