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[wildcard-comments] DNS wildcard in the .com TLD

  • To: wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] DNS wildcard in the .com TLD
  • From: "Brian O'Mahoney" <omb@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 12:25:32 -0800
  • Reply-to: omb@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030827

As a Unix Systems Programmer, since 1975, a user of the ARPA Net, and then Internet; Academic, Systems Architect and Developer, I am simply appalled that Verisign has not only had the gall to break one of the most important DNS behaviors, clearly mandated in the appropriate RFC(s), but has also has the infernal impertinence to sue ICANN claiming that it is Ultra Vires for objecting.

This kind of nonsense does nothing but create a sad sense of wonder
concerning the workings of the American legal system which helps to
fuel a complete lack of trust in not only civil but also criminal
procedure, through out the whole civilized world.

The basis of this problem must be clearly laid at the door of the US
Supreme Court and the Justice Department, which have both clearly lost
any sense Justice as well as Common Sense by not enforcing sensible
practice rules.

The US is an Anglo-Saxon common law jurisdiction and this lawsuit is

"Frivolous, Vexatious, an Abuse of Process and Lacking any Reasonable
Cause of Action"

as any I have ever seen; it is thus a Public Disgrace that a motion to
dismiss, summarily, is not heard and acted on by a Master in the Court
of First Instance, within a working day

Regards, Brian.

Dr. Brian O'Mahoney                | Mobile +41 (0)79 334 8035
Teraflex Research                  | Email: omb@xxxxxxxxxx
Bleicherstrasse 25                 |
CH-8953 Dietikon                   |

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