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Re: newIANA (was Fram behind closed doors via opaque channels)

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian E Carpenter <brian@hursley.ibm.com>
To: Masataka Ohta <mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp>
Cc: mueller@syr.edu <mueller@syr.edu>; vcerf@mci.net <vcerf@mci.net>;
discussion-draft@giaw.org <discussion-draft@giaw.org>; ietf@ietf.org
<ietf@ietf.org>; comments@iana.org <comments@iana.org>; Iana@iana.org
<Iana@iana.org>; List@giaw.org <List@giaw.org>
Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 4:21 AM
Subject: Re: newIANA (was Fram behind closed doors via opaque channels)

>Speaking as a non-US citizen and non-US resident:
>I too had doubts about whether the new legal entity protecting the
>IANA should be a non-profit corporation under US law.
>However I am a pragmatist and I think most of us here are pragmatists.
>We all agree that it is *above all* important to have technical
>continuity and leave the technical staff of the IANA in peace to
>do their work. There is, given the time available before September 30,
>only one way to achieve this: a non-profit corporation in California.
>There is no practical alternative, so let us concentrate on the only
>real issue left, which is getting an initial Board of Directors with
>sufficient honour and neutrality.
>  Brian Carpenter

Will the IAB be making recommendations on who they
want to see on the "Board" ?

Is the short list completed yet ? If so, why not post it ?

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.com

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