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>>Suggestions on how to create an effective transition mechanism from the
>>Initial Board to the Permanent Board are solicited.

Use the same mechanism as the Permanent Board, except appoint the Initial
board to terms shorter than three years.

Proposal:  Initial Board to be elected to three year staggered terms;  call
them CLASS A, CLASS B, and CLASS C.  Class A director's terms end in 1999,
B in 2000, C in 2001.

Each stakeholder group would have one director of each class (2 in the case
of the Industry/User Supporting Organization).

Initial directors would be assigned by lot to an organization type and a
CLASS.  If there are fewer initial directors than eventual slots, they
should be assigned to the shorter terms and the organizations should
appoint representatives to the longer terms.

Steve Peterson                               +1 612 948 9729
Principal Consultant                     FAX +1 612 677 3050
Virtation Technologies, Inc.            http://virtation.com

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