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A possible name for the new IANA: INDABA--Internet Delegations Board

A possible name for the new IANA: 

      INDABA--Internet Delegations Board

This is only a suggestion, of course. No one has indicated that the term IANA
will be retired, but if alternatives are under consideration, please add the
acronym INDABA to the list.

INDABA is a Zulu word that is well-known to speakers of English, Afrikaans, and
other languages in southern Africa. Its early meaning implied "gathering of
tribal elders." Its contemporary meaning is equivalent to "consultative
meeting," "problem resolution session," or the native American "powwow." I have
also seen modern usages that suggest "large, inclusive conference."

I believe this latter meaning embodies an aspiration that would be desirable for
any broad-based organization, including the one that many members of the
Internet community are now working to form. 

Taking INDABA as a possible acronym, one can invent many expressions that begin
with the word Internet. The three word combination "Internet Delegations Board"
is one expression that seems appropriate under the present circumstances. The
word "delegations" reflects the dual meanings of assignment--the IANA's
traditional function--and diversity of participants--an important basis for the
new organization's legitimate authority.

In light of the anticipated transition of the IANA functions to a new entity, it
is possible that a new name will be selected when that entity is incorporated.
Also, since the entity's membership is likely to include individuals from
various distinct communities of Internet stakeholders, beyond those immediately
served by the existing IANA, the choice of a name with wider scope might be
desirable. Furthermore, since the creation of the new corporation will signal an
important step in the evolution of the Internet, it may be useful to announce
that transition by adopting a name that has symbolic value. 

I wish you good luck and success in this endeavor.


Craig Simon

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