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UDRP/URS decisions need to be allowed to go to court.

  • To: "comments-igo-ingo-crp-access-initial-20jan17@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-igo-ingo-crp-access-initial-20jan17@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: UDRP/URS decisions need to be allowed to go to court.
  • From: Jordan Evens <jordanevens121@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 18:02:47 +0000 (UTC)

It is common knowledge that UDRP/URS panelists are financial incentivized to  
find in favor of complainants to get repeat business. The biased panelists 
should never be allowed to have the last word. They have given away very common 
single word domains that have been overturned in court. The panelists are 
helping complainants commit flat out theft in order to get repeat business, and 
there just be an option to stop the theft, like going to court. 

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