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JO Comments on Proposed Measures for Letter/Letter Two-Character ASCII Labels to Avoid Confusion with Corresponding Country Codes
- To: "comments-proposed-measures-two-char-08jul16@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-proposed-measures-two-char-08jul16@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: JO Comments on Proposed Measures for Letter/Letter Two-Character ASCII Labels to Avoid Confusion with Corresponding Country Codes
- From: "Ahlam M. Abu-Jadallah" <Ahlam.M.Abu-Jadallah@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 08:07:08 +0000
Dear Sir,
In response to ICANN’s proposed measures for letter/letter two-character ASCII
labels to avoid confusion with corresponding country codes, we would like to
highlight the following notes and comments:
· Using letter/letter two-character may confuse users between ccTLDs
and the second level of these new gTLDs.
· The registration policy for new gTLDs is different from ccTLD’s
registration policy and that will make the registration under that second level
domain easier for users which will affect the registration under ccTLDs.
Best Regards,
Ahlam Abu-Jadallah
ccTLD Manager - Jordan
National Information Technology Center
Ahlam M. Abu-Jadallah
Head of National Domain Names Division
e-Operations Department
Tel: 962.6.5300222 Ext.: 352
Fax: 962.6.5300277
[Description: Description: HKJ-Logo]
Register your Arabic Domain Name under .alordun. For more information, please
visit our website http://www.idn.jo/ or http://نطاقات-عربية.الاردن/
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