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Comments on Proposed Measures to Avoid Confusion
- To: "comments-proposed-measures-two-char-08jul16@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-proposed-measures-two-char-08jul16@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Comments on Proposed Measures to Avoid Confusion
- From: "McGrath, Eamon (LiveMelbourne)" <eamon.mcgrath@live.melbourne>
- Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 23:35:50 +0000
We would like to express our full support for the comments submitted by the
RySG in response to ICANN's Proposed Measures for Letter/Letter Two-Character
ASCII Labels to Avoid Confusion with Corresponding Country Codes (Proposed
We strongly encourage ICANN to amend the Proposed Measures as published to
reflect the changes recommended by the RySG, particularly with regard to
changing the Exclusive Pre-Registration Period from a mandatory requirement to
being voluntary.
Kind Regards,
Eamon McGrath
Product Manager
P +61 3 9866 3710
E eamon.mcgrath@live.melbourne<mailto:eamon.mcgrath@live.melbourne>
W www.live.melbourne<http://www.live.melbourne/>
Follow us on Twitter<https://twitter.com/wwwMelb>
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