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[dssa] "Top scenarios" assignment for this week

  • To: DSSA WG <dssa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [dssa] "Top scenarios" assignment for this week
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 10:26:51 -0500

hi all,

here's a review of the writing-assignment we gave ourselves on the call today.  
please try to crash through this by close of business (your time) on Tuesday -- 
i'll spend Wednesday pulling a summary together in preparation for our call 
next Thursday.

-- prepare as many scenarios as you like, don't feel compelled to create any 
specific number

-- you can start with the "narrative" paragraph at the bottom of the sheet, or 
start by going through the compound-sentence part above it.  but try to have 
both done by the time you finish.  after some wavering, i've concluded that it 
would be useful if you could go ahead and fill in all the green-choice cells, 
rather than just the left-most column.

-- don't feel like you have to use up all four of the cells in the middle 
section of the page -- i just stuck that number in as an arbitrary quantity to 
allow people to put more than one choice in those areas.  if you only need one, 
that's fine.  if you need more than four, that's fine too -- for this time 
through, just note that you needed more cells and i'll add more to the next 

-- pay no attention to the tan cells on the right side of the sheet -- that's 
an "arithmetic" function that i will build for the next time around.  sorry, i 
just ran out of juice on this first draft.

-- in addition to creating your scenarios, feel free to comment on things that 
made it hard for you to create your scenarios.  those could range from the 
choices that are available, to the phrasing of those choices, to simple errors 
in the construction of the worksheet.  this is an early draft that's being 
stress-tested by the work that you're doing -- i'm expecting big improvements 
in the next version.  :-)

-- a reminder -- please use one copy of the spreadsheet for each scenario you 
create.  i'm anticipating that we'll find it much easier to track and summarize 
them that way.

here's another copy of the spreadsheet so you don't have to hunt back up the 
list to find it.  it's the same version, i'll pound the comments you made today 
into the *next* version.


Attachment: DSSA - Risk Scenarios v2.xls

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phone   651-647-6109  
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