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Re: [gnso-metrep-wg] Status of MetRep from GNSO Council Meeting

  • To: Berry Cobb <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-metrep-wg] Status of MetRep from GNSO Council Meeting
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 17:35:29 -0500

hi all,

i'm listening to the GNSO Council conversation that led to you resending the 
call for Drafting Team volunteers.  

six of us ain't bad!  it's not like we're a full-blown working group, we're 
just whipping up a charter.  so i would be willing to move ahead as a drafting 
team even if we don't get any more people signing on.


On Sep 5, 2013, at 4:20 PM, Berry Cobb <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> WG Members,
> For your information, the GNSO Council requested an additional call for 
> volunteers to increase participation for this effort.  As of today, we only 
> had 6 members sign up, 3 GNSO, 3 ALAC.  The announcement will be sent out 
> this week through the various ICANN channels and we typically give two to 
> three weeks for the announcement cycle. 
> I will send a few updates as we get new participants in the meantime.  Please 
> stay tuned, and thank you for your patience.
> B
> Berry Cobb
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)
> 720.839.5735
> mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> @berrycobb

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